Construct Your Future News

What Careers are in High Demand?

[fa icon="calendar"] Oct 28, 2022 4:37:55 PM / by Construct Your Future

Construct Your Future

Nowadays, it seems like every company is hiring, but not all the “Help Wanted” signs are the same. Right now, there are two types of jobs that companies are struggling to fill:

  1. Jobs that nobody wants to do
  2. Jobs that few people know how to do

The first type – the jobs that nobody wants to do – we can all imagine. Long hours, low pay, no benefits. There are countless jobs out there that ask us to work hard but don’t give us any kind of good life in return. Retail, hospitality, and restaurants – they’re all struggling to fill positions because nobody wants to run themselves ragged for minimum wage.

pexels-mikael-blomkvist-8961130The second type are jobs we only think we know. When we imagine jobs that are specialized, we think of computer programmers, lawyers, accountants, and engineers. But when looking at the news, most stories about specialized jobs in high demand feature the trades - plumbers, electrical workers, welders, carpenters, and more.

Construction workers are the most in-demand jobs in 49 states across the US. As millions of Americans in skilled construction reach retirement age and traditional pipelines into the trades dry up, demand for skilled labor has skyrocketed, with no signs of slowing down.

Yes, these jobs are specialized, but thanks to registered apprenticeship programs, you can get started in this high-demand field with little to no experience. An apprenticeship will teach you everything you need to know, give you valuable on-the-job training and experience, and even pay you while you do it! What you DO need are a great work ethic, a great attitude, and a willingness to learn and grow.

If you’re looking for a career that offers valuable and challenging work, commands an excellent salary and benefits, and is stable and in high demand, look no further than the trades. Learn more and begin constructing your future today.


Topics: building trades, construction industry, skilled labor shortage, construction outlook

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