Construct Your Future News

Are Construction Workers Essential Workers?

[fa icon="calendar'] Jan 5, 2021 12:19:40 PM / by Construct Your Future posted in construction industry, construction jobs, construction outlook, careers, United States Construction, career opportunities, construction workers, COVID-19

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Construction trades have always been essential, long before the words pandemic, COVID, quarantine, and coronavirus were part of everyday life. Construction is the lifeblood of our nation’s progress and welfare, providing infrastructure and services that are critical to all aspects of our everyday lives. So when asked “Are Construction Workers Essential Workers?” the answer is a resounding and multifaceted YES!

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Department of Labor recognizes job openings in construction industry

[fa icon="calendar'] Sep 6, 2017 7:25:00 PM / by Construct Your Future posted in construction industry, construction jobs, Bureau of Labor Statistics, United States Construction

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A recently published by the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics indicated a massive need for construction workers in the months of May and June. 

According to the BLS report, in June, there were over 225,000 jobs available in the construction industry throughout the United States.           

This data confirms a number of recent media reports claiming the construction industry has a need for highly-skilled and highly-trained workers. 

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