Are you thinking about going to college and are unsure about what you want to study?
Here is an idea; stay away from what Forbes calls the Top 10 Worthless degrees:
- Anthropology and Archeology
- Film, Video and Photographic Arts
- Fine Arts
- Philosophy and Religious Studies
- Liberal Arts
- Music
- Physical Fitness and Parks Recreation
- Commercial Art and Graphic Design
- History
- English Language and Literature
Were you thinking about one of these fields?
If so, we have an idea for you. Join the construction industry.
There are a lot of available jobs for all kinds of people throughout the country.
Forget a future trying to get a job in a field with high unemployment, low pay or a job that could be outsourced in the future.
Construction workers are in high demand; especially those who go through registered apprenticeship training programs (the other four-year degree), where they earn great money and good benefits from day one.
Browse through this website to begin your career in construction.