Construct Your Future News

Work Worth Doing

[fa icon="calendar'] Jan 17, 2023 2:41:30 PM / by Construct Your Future posted in building trades, trades, construction jobs, career opportunities

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Theodore Roosevelt famously said, “Far and away the best prize that life offers is the chance to work hard at work worth doing.”

Why is work worth doing such a prize? Over a lifetime, the average person spends roughly 90,000 hours working. In a week, we spend more time at work than we do pursuing hobbies or being with our families. Imagine spending all that time on work that you weren’t passionate about or fulfilled by. Imagine feeling no purpose in the work you do. That would sound more like a life-sentence than a life, and certainly not a prize.

On the other hand, imagine finding a career that means something, not just to you, but to the people around you - a career that serves and betters your community and contributes to the greater good of society. That’s work that has purpose, that you can take pride in.

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Can Anyone Get a Job in Construction?

[fa icon="calendar'] Dec 12, 2022 10:28:38 AM / by Construct Your Future posted in building trades, construction jobs, career opportunities, construction workers

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There’s a common misconception that anyone off the street can pick up a few tools and get to work in construction - even if they have little to no experience or training. But that couldn’t be further from the truth! Just because you don’t need a four-year college degree to work in the building trades, doesn’t mean that you don’t need any skills, education, or specialized training. In fact, you need a LOT.

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Do You Have to be Physically Strong to Work in Construction?

[fa icon="calendar'] Oct 13, 2022 9:30:00 AM / by Construct Your Future posted in building trades, trades, construction jobs, construction workers

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Construction work has the reputation of being physically demanding and hard on your body. While some jobs in the building trades can be physically intense, there are many that don’t require brute strength or really much strength at all. It’s one of the biggest myths of construction work!

In fact, many people choose a career in the building trades because of the physical aspects. In the trades, work is active and engaging. No sitting in one place behind a desk for countless hours on end. In the trades, you’re up, moving, and working with your hands to build something meaningful and lasting. It is physical work, though, and physical work does require different abilities and skills than that of your average desk job.

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Why Choose a Career in Construction?

[fa icon="calendar'] May 20, 2022 12:29:46 PM / by Construct Your Future posted in building trades, trades, construction jobs, careers

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When people think of construction work, they often think of jobs, and not careers. But for most in the construction trades, their work is not a job, not a career, but a true vocation. Don’t believe us? A recent report showed that 83% of tradespeople are highly satisfied in their choice of work!

What is it about the construction trades careers that is so appealing to hundreds of thousands of U.S. workers? Here are just a few of the reasons why a career in the construction trades is such a great choice:

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Do Construction Jobs Pay Well?

[fa icon="calendar'] Apr 28, 2022 8:30:00 AM / by Construct Your Future posted in trades, construction jobs, careers, career opportunities

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There are a myriad of misconceptions and myths about work in the construction trades: that it’s grueling work, it’s dangerous, and, maybe the most common misconception, that it doesn’t pay well.

But the truth is the building trades don’t just offer good pay, they offer great pay. Did you know that some tradespeople earn high five-figure salaries, and can even make north of six figures as they progress in their career? The Bureau of Labor Statistics’ Occupational Outlook shows some impressive numbers for 2021 median pay in the trades:

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New Year, New Career

[fa icon="calendar'] Dec 28, 2021 10:00:00 AM / by Construct Your Future posted in construction jobs, careers, career opportunities

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A new year, a fresh start. Around this time of year, you likely spend some time reflecting on the past year - how you spent it, how you wish you had spent it - and thinking about what you want the year ahead to be like. What are your goals, dreams, and aspirations? What will you change? What will you keep the same? 

While the most common new year’s resolutions revolve around health and fitness - eating healthier, exercising more, etc. - 21% of people listed pursuing a career ambition as one of their top resolutions last year, and for good reason. We spend roughly 90,000 hours, which equates to ⅓ of our lifetime, at work. That’s a lot of time! And yet, in a recent survey, 50% of respondents said they disliked their jobs, citing reasons like unfair pay, underappreciation, being overworked, and no opportunity for advancement.

As you’re reflecting on the past year and your career, does this sound like you? Are you unhappy where you are, and ready to make a change? Are you ready to pursue a new career that is rewarding, fulfilling, and never boring? One that you actually love? Consider joining the thousands of men and women who are pursuing a career in the building trades as electricians, sheet metal workers, plumbers, roofers, glaziers, painters, and more!

Year after year, those in the skilled trades report higher job satisfaction than other professions. Why? The building trades offer:

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What Does a Trade Job Mean?

[fa icon="calendar'] Sep 27, 2021 4:17:47 PM / by Construct Your Future posted in building trades, trades, construction jobs, careers

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You’ve likely heard of someone being “in the trades” or being a “tradesperson.” You may have even heard someone say: “You’d do well in the trades!” But, what is a trade job, and how is it different from other jobs or professions?

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Great Careers in High Demand

[fa icon="calendar'] Jul 23, 2021 1:16:30 PM / by Construct Your Future posted in building trades, trades, skilled labor shortage, construction jobs, construction outlook, careers, career opportunities, construction workers

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Thinking about a new career? Looking for work that you can not only be proud of and fulfilled by, but a career that is built on real, lasting skills that is secure and can’t be outsourced or automated? Look no further than a career in the building trades!

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A Job You Can Be Proud of in the Construction Trades

[fa icon="calendar'] Jul 16, 2021 2:39:13 PM / by Construct Your Future posted in construction jobs, careers, career opportunities, benefits

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We spend nearly 30 percent of our lives working, yet over 50% of U.S. workers aren’t satisfied with their jobs. When you spend so much of your precious time and life at work, finding a career that’s fulfilling and rewarding should be of the utmost importance.

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The Trades Offer Great Career Opportunities for Women

[fa icon="calendar'] Mar 17, 2021 1:50:48 PM / by Construct Your Future posted in construction jobs, careers, career opportunities, Women in the trades, women in trades

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It’s true that when you picture a construction site, you probably don’t picture a sea full of women. But just because it’s a traditionally male-dominated industry, doesn’t mean that there aren’t more and more women joining the skilled trades workforce, and for good reason!

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