What is an Outside Lineman and Why Should We Thank Them Every Day?

April 18 was National Lineman Appreciation Day and this post is meant to shower our nation’s lineworkers with a whole lot of love.

american-public-power-association-uxH3GL1T0lI-unsplashSo just what is a line worker, anyway?

Outside Line Workers ensure that electrical power gets from power plants to our homes, offices, schools, hospitals, factories, and all other types of buildings and facilities. Linemen do a huge variety of jobs, including:

  • Installing, maintaining and repairing outside power transmission lines
  • Installing and maintaining transformers
  • Stringing new wires and power lines and maintaining existing ones
  • Installing and maintaining insulators
  • Setting up underground electrical distribution systems
  • Setting up and maintaining traffic lights and other outside lighting
  • Tree trimming around power lines

See the power lines in your neighborhood? A team of line workers set that up and they come to your neighborhood regularly to check that systems are working well, trim trees, and replace worn equipment.

When a storm, hurricane, tornado or derecho hit, guess who’s out in the rain and cold working to restore power? Line workers!

When you hear that a transformer blew and your utility is working to repair it, it’s line workers to the rescue!

So, the next time you see line men and women working on our above ground and underground electrical systems, or the next time you lose power (or don’t lose power!), remember the amazing men and women who work hard every day to bring power into our homes and offices and #ThankALineworker!


Written by Construct Your Future