Construction careers offer satisfaction of working outdoors

According to a 2016 U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics study, nearly half of all jobs require some outdoor work.

If you enjoy the outdoors, and going outside on your lunch break just isn’t enough, a job in the construction industry may be the ideal career for you. In the construction industry, many trades and crafts spend at least part of their time outside.

The following trades may include outdoor work: electrical, masonry, painting and others. These trades require individuals to begin their career in a registered apprenticeship program, which feature classroom instruction and on-the-job training.

High school students and those in vocational schools who enjoy working outside will make excellent candidates for a wide variety of careers in the construction industry.

If you are tired of sitting behind a desk and find yourself looking out the window wishing you could be outside working with your hands, now is the time to start a new career path.

If you are a recent graduate with a passion for the outdoors, consider joining the construction industry through a registered apprenticeship program.

Read more about the benefits of joining the construction industry.


Written by Construct Your Future