Work Worth Doing

Theodore Roosevelt famously said, “Far and away the best prize that life offers is the chance to work hard at work worth doing.”

Why is work worth doing such a prize? Over a lifetime, the average person spends roughly 90,000 hours working. In a week, we spend more time at work than we do pursuing hobbies or being with our families. Imagine spending all that time on work that you weren’t passionate about or fulfilled by. Imagine feeling no purpose in the work you do. That would sound more like a life-sentence than a life, and certainly not a prize.

On the other hand, imagine finding a career that means something, not just to you, but to the people around you – a career that serves and betters your community and contributes to the greater good of society. That’s work that has purpose, that you can take pride in.

Construction Work is Work Worth Doing

pexels-mikael-blomkvist-8961155There are few careers where you can clearly and tangibly see the positive impact of your hard work as you can in the construction trades. Working in the construction trades, you get to have a direct impact on your local community. The work you do:

  • Supports and enriches lives
  • Enables and improves businesses
  • Brings people in your community together
  • Fosters economic growth and stability

Whether working on building or maintaining the roads and bridges that take people to work, putting in the power lines for a townhome community, laying the brickwork for the new elementary school, roofing the community center where your kids play, laying the foundation at a new industrial park where thousands will work, or painting the local football field before the big game on Friday night, work in the trades is visible, tangible, and meaningful.

And not only that, it’s work that lasts. It keeps giving to your community and the economy for decades to come. You’re building something that will not only contribute to the landscape but to the lives and livelihoods of those around you. 

When you work in the construction trades, you and your work are part of something bigger than yourself. That’s work worth doing, and the greatest of prizes.

Looking for a career where you can work hard at work worth doing? Learn more about a prized career in the construction trades and get started today!



Written by Construct Your Future