The building trades, which include the electrical trades, are more than just jobs—they’re life-changing careers. Learn about the incredible opportunities, benefits, and success stories that make the trades a path to stability and growth. Whether it’s financial freedom, hands-on work, or long-term potential, the trades have something for everyone. Dive in and learn more!
U.S. News and World Report ranks the most in-demand construction jobs
Does the thought of sitting in a college classroom for four years seem unappealing? Do you hate writing long term papers? Are you worried about finding a good job so you can move out of your parent’s house?
Leave your soul-crushing job and start a career in construction
Are you tired of doing work that leaves you feeling empty? Do you want to be excited about going to work, knowing a new challenge is waiting for you? Are you tired of spending all day staring at a screen or getting yelled at by customers?
By 2020, two thirds of available jobs will not require a bachelor’s degree or higher
Perhaps you heard the college recruiter tell you that a degree from their prestigious university can get you a job anywhere. You can’t. Just because you have a piece of paper that probably put you tens of thousands of dollars in debt, if not more, does not guarantee you a job.
Do you think outside electrical work is right for you?
Are you someone who is up for a challenge, someone who is adventurous and isn’t afraid of hard work? Are you looking for a career that requires courage as well as specialized knowledge and the ability to work with your hands? A career as an outside electrical worker is not for everybody, but if you…
Being an athlete could set you up for success
Athletes know that success comes through hard work and discipline, by getting up early day after day and training when no one else is and by doing the things no one else will. As an athlete, you also know that you are only as strong as the team that surrounds you— the people who encourage…
Can you afford to go to college?
Chances are you have heard the argument about why everyone should go to college. A good education leads to a good job and yada, yada, yada, in 40 years you should be able to retire. The problem though, is no one talks about the large elephant in the room – can you actually afford to…
Now that you have a college degree, what is your life like?
Do you have a college degree? Anymore, it doesn’t really seem to matter, does it? Maybe you’re thinking that it would have been better if you hadn’t gone to college; at least you wouldn’t have all that debt hanging over your head, making you anxious, forcing you to save money and live with your parents.
Top 10 Worthless Degrees
Are you thinking about going to college and are unsure about what you want to study?
Where are the jobs?
Like other students across America, you have probably been told by your teachers, counselors and parents that college is the only way to get a good job. The truth is, millions of college graduates struggle to find employment in their preferred field.
Seven reasons not to attend college
Michael Price, author of What Next? The Millennial’s Guide to Surviving and Thriving in the Real World, believes anyone who makes the terrible mistake of pursuing a college education in this day and age will live to regret it. He believes that in the 1970s, college and universities used propaganda to convince people to attend…